The Concept.
Recording a band in a room, any room, is also
about the relationship you have with that
particular space.
Which can be like the fifth member of the
group, each space brings out a different kind of
mentality in making a record.
Musicians perform differently in different
settings, which is the reason I started The
BandWaggon in the first place.
For me it's the same as it always was, capturing
as much feel and vibe as possible with each
That means getting as much of the track
recorded live, as well as retaining the character
of the room we are in, and it's respective
ambience, dead, or alive.
It is important that musicians have a sense that
this occasion is special, a once in a lifetime
I'm all about the space that you record in, being
as important as the equipment you use, The
Racks of gear I've put together, allow the
freedom to record practically anywhere you
want to, while preserving the sonic fingerprint
of the studios from the past that I hold dear.
The ultimate goal here is to capture and preserve
that moment in time, the magical moment when
a song has been captured, with all the vital
energy, & emotion intact.
This site is an affiliate of Millbrook Sound Studio